Fresh Start Mind~Matters - Online Therapy now in Bristol, Nottingham, Cambridge and abroad.

Fresh Start Mind~Matters Online Therapy now in Bristol, Nottingham, Cambridge and abroad.

Experiences & Working Theories

Understanding Client Challenges

More often than non clients come with an underlying sense of emptiness and or disconnection, sometimes described as broken inside. However, my clients still go to work, have families and go to concerts!

My experience has led me to understand that problems in the camps really start when my client's sense of security, self-worth and significance is under threat. Traumatic experiences present themselves in unique ways for each individual and no one is immune to trauma. Some say it feels like being alone in a crowd or constantly fatigued and peckish. Some perhaps complain of not being depressed enough to call the doctor but gloomy enough to avoid socializing.

Most people do not recognise the signs rather try to function ok and live a 'normal' life... However, they know that they are prone to bursts of anger. Trauma could also manifest in the body, like aches and pains that are not explained, lack of sleep or a poor digestive system.. These and so many other physical signs can overlap with more common anxious symptoms.

Creating a Therapeutic Space

I offer a compassionate space so that my client feels safe to become curious and explorative. I use creative ways of talking about things that perhaps my client was not able to explain before therapy.

Once this part of the therapeutic relationship feels natural and mutual trust is established we can start the real work, ...I call them the 'eureka moments'! That's when my client feels that my regard for them is unconditional, and they feel free to change their behaviour.

Send a Message:

The first step is reaching out. Send us an email to arrange your free call.